Not a whole lot has gone on the past few weeks, we are up to weekly doctors appointments. At the last two appointments I was 1cm dilated, Anthony's heartbeat was 130-140 and beating strong, and he is considered FULL TERM!Yay! I've gained another 4lbs total, making a grand total of 8lbs from pre-pregnancy. My belly is feeling much heavier these days, and the dreaded stretch marks have reared their ugly head. I've had a few episodes of tachycardia (increased heart rate in the 130's when 60-100 is normal), shortness of breath, and near syncope and was sent to the hospital for monitoring at my 36 week appointment. They didn't find anything wrong, my urine-analysis came back normal, as did all the blood work, and my blood pressure was fine. The doctor said it could be just a blood flow issue involving my vena cava, the main artery that supplies my body with blood. I was urged to rest and relax as much as possible, and have been trying my best to do just that.
JJ and I had a great Christmas surrounded by family. He worked a lot of overtime over the holidays, which I am both sad and grateful for. Since JJ was working at Wyndham New Years Eve, I went to a neighborhood party with my Mom and Step-dad to celebrate. They only live about 5 minutes away so I figured that was the safest option with the least amount of driving.
I had a labor scare on Thursday, January 8th starting around 8:30pm. I started getting contractions, and as time went on they were getting more and more intense and coming closer together. Eventually I used one of my iPhone apps to time them, and they were coming every 3.5 minutes and lasting a little over a minute each, for about 3 hours steadily. JJ was fast asleep, and I figured if this was it, I might as well try to get a nap in while they weren't too intense to handle. Turns out they stopped on their own, but I now know what to expect when the time comes. They felt nothing like the Braxton Hick's I have experienced since about 18 weeks, I could tell these were much different.
As if adding a new baby to our lives isn't stressful enough, we are looking to move into a house shortly after he arrives. Our apartment complex has gone downhill a bit and we are concerned about our safety and Anthony's. There have been break ins and burglary's, and we feel it's time to move onto bigger and better things. In the meantime, we have decided not to set up Anthony's real nursery to avoid having to move it shortly and have instead set up the pack n play in our bedroom to bring him home to the first few days or weeks. I have been nesting and organizing all of his stuff, washing and folding clothes and cleaning the apartment to make for a smooth transition when we do come home. I have packed my hospital bag, all except for the electronics (computer, camera, video camera) and JJ's things. Since things could happen any day now, I wanted to be prepared. Mom-Mom will be shopping for Anthony's going home outfit soon, since it is her goal to buy each grandchild their going home from the hospital outfit.
Anthony's Setup in our bedroom |
The next step will be to have our car seat bases installed in our cars, in preparation of bringing Anthony home! How exciting! We will take them to a local Fire Department where they are trained to install them properly.
*38 Weeks 5 Days* |
So exciting! It's great that you are keeping track of all of this too, so you can look back and read it years down the road. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I didn't know fire departments were trained in how to install baby seats, but I guess that makes sense if they have to help people in cars.